Enrichment Materials: LGBTQIA+ Voices
These enrichment materials build upon concepts introduced in US History and Advanced US History courses. They incorporate and link perspectives of LGBTQIA+ individuals throughout our nation's history.
Same-sex marriage in the Antebellum era
Stories of LGBTQ+ men and women in the First World War
How Gay Culture Blossomed During the Roaring 20s
Discharge letter of a homosexual soldier in the US Navy, 1914
The First Pride March in Alabama, 1989
ONE National Gay & Lesbian Archives
Oral Histories of early LGBTQIA+ religious movement leaders
Gay Activist Alliance: FBI Records
LGBTQIA+ Activism in Seattle Records
Records from Southern Voice, an LGBTQIA+ newspaper based in Atlanta
A repository of GLBT voices from Dallas, Texas
AIDS Education Posters Collection
Lavender Legacies Guide, a guide to GLBT primary sources
The story of 4 LGBTQIA+ activists who fought in the Civil Rights Movement
Gay Native Americans at 1978 Freedom Day Parade
Photo of “Third World Gay Caucus,” San Francisco Pride, 1978
“Atlanta’s Unspoken Past,” a series of oral interviews with LGBTQIA+ individuals